Keystarter 1.0 software:
Keystarter 1.0 Is a 5 days in every week freeware, lifetime long.
(Saturday and Monday only with license)
license agreement for end users (EULA)
1 OEM license for 1 PC.
This license means :
1 — If the CPU or Mainboard or Windows version is changed then you need
to buy a new license (Same like Windows Agreement)
2 — I will send maximum 10 times (by email) the same license number, if
you needed or did lost that number.
3 — Go to the homepage and download first the newest software version
before you do buy 1 OEM license for 1 PC, if something is changed, you
are always up to date.
4 — You are free to use and copy the zip and exe file on more then one
windows systems.