Keystarter Examples
The best autohotkey code examples by command with screenshots for
keystarter 1.0 software.
HideKey/ShowKey — Screenshot example 1 :
With this autohotkey command you can use the windows room more
efficient, by Hide or Showing the button icons.
In this part of code you can see what keystarter can do, what other [on
screen keyboard software], [windows shortcuts] , [multi | clipboard
software] or [windows popup menu] not can do.(see also the example
command codes move,resize,turn the button icons)
short explain : push the [hide Keys] button and the buttons 1 to 5
examples to insert the codes in vkey command editor :
push number 1 to insert the command codes Hidegroup/Showgroup
push number 2 to insert the command codes HideKey/ShowKey

Transparency of the [button icons] — Screenshot example 2 :
In this screenshot you can see a example to change it by command.
you can change the number and it is done.
or insert this autohotkey command code.
example to insert the codes in vkey command editor :
1 push button d to insert the command codes. (d = diversen codes)
2 choose the transparency codes and delete the codes you do not need.

[Change the camera position] by command — screenshot example 3 :
short explain : push the [Change Camera Position] button and the camera
position is changed.
example to insert the autohotkey code in vkey command editor :
1 move and zoom the camera in the Design Modus.
2 push number 7 to insert the command code [change Camera Position]

[Move/Resize/Turn] by command — screenshot example 4 :
short explain : push the [Move/resize vKeys] button and it move to the
new position.
example to insert the autohotkey code in vkey command editor :
1 push button d to insert the command codes. (d = diversen codes)
2 choose the Move/resize/Turn codes and delete the codes you do not

[Change the pictures] from the [button icons] by command — screenshot
example 5 :
[Change the pictures] from the [button icons] by command — screenshot
example 5 :
short explain : push the [LoadPicture] button and the pictures appears
in the buttons.
example to insert the autohotkey code in vkey command editor :
1 push the button(checkbox) next to number 3
2 insert the numbers of pictures you want. (you will see a box on the
3 choose the buttons and then the pictures.
4 to the end it wil insert the autohotkey command codes.